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The first trimester after the 12-week to the 20-week is absolutely see if I listened until you have any other additional practice like a high blood pressure the placenta prevails already short cervix are your hypertensive what likely to develop hypertension pregnancy you better word long-distance travels 11 our journeys within the country or half in ours.
Travels should be fight after the 28th week till the 34th week if you have to travel to you need to place for delivery but the fourth week is the last most airlines allow you to travel so you can see if we traveled a lot unless the same.
Risk factors that were there in the second trimester should not should exist in the third trimester the board piece by delivered anywhere. Air Travel during Pregnancy.
I'm the obstetrician and gynecologist and I’ll be answering a few questions on pregnancy nobody is the lifestyle has changed women travel all over the world during.
Their pregnancy fly travel is essentially possibly safe while you're pregnant now it depends upon the devastation of pregnancy in first three months.
It is again okay to travel by flight but we should be sure that the pregnancy is in the uterus it should not be outside the uterus as an topic pregnancy and it is better to avoid pregnancy doing last four weeks.
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It is absolutely fine to travel by slide unless and until your doctor go to the doctor can say no if you have a low lying placenta.
if you have any complicated pregnancy in which you can land up into preterm labor if you have sickle cell anemia or you can learn different and into any other.
Complications during pregnancy
Now if it's a short flight what you can do is every 30 minutes or 45 minutes get up and take around on the aircraft so that the air the blood does not plot into your legs keep yourself well hydrated and then you can avoid be and fizzy drinks during the flight.It was a longer flight then you'll need to discuss with your doctor she might want to put you on heparin that's the anticoagulant which will not allow the blood to clot into your legs
There is also stopping available nowadays which can be born during the side so that again the blood does not plan to do next but otherwise it is safe to travel by fly during pregnancy.
Now traveling in pregnancy is a big question but in absenteeism of any obstacle medical surgical issues in a pregnant woman traveling in flight is no issues or traveling is no issue still 35 weeks the default to 35 weeks and from basically all the airlines I think take up to 34 weeks so if there is no basic.
Underlying diseases then traveling is safe up to 35 weeks but now traveling is associated with many things traveling in pregnancy is just a simple terminology traveling when you travel either by any means of transport that is bus train or around flight you are in a public place and you are among lot of people who are
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They reach they have landed up with infection there is leakage and a preterm delivery leading to a lot of future complications so best thing is to travel between 18 to 24 weeks finish your travel and that is it after that better to avoid travel but we can say do not travel and so up to 34 35 weeks it is fine to travel and when you are traveling abroad there are a lot of.
Things when you're traveling inside India then and there is not an issue is about infection any underlying causes your exercise ambulation in the flight at all these but when you are traveling abroad there are a lot of things to be looked after you have to be sure which country you are traveling.
Because there are a lot of endemic diseases in certain countries and if there is a you're driving to a place where there is malaria is endemic then.
You need to be precautions on tablets for malaria you may need to have certain vaccinations before you travel you need to have certain tests before travel so these are the precautions which had taken when you are traveling abroad
Preferably abroad blessed time to travel is 18 to 24 weeks preferably avoid travel abroad and the third trimester there is risk of be paint rhombuses that is like plotting in the legs because of sitting for long hours inside India when we travel the travels are only 12 to us so it doesn't we're not worried about.
That complication when you but when you travel abroad this is the complication of diabetes which you're worried about and you have to be emulating you have to take an S aisle seat go walk up to the bathroom every 12 to us so these are.
Certain things which you have to remember basically traveling is not an issue but there are a lot of things so before any pregnant women travels it is best to consult their online colleges to find out what is the status. Air Travel during Pregnancy.
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